We believe communion is an essential part of our gathering together each Sunday. We partake together during our service on Sunday mornings and make communion available to others who cannot make it during that time.

Communion is the time we remember Christ’s body being broken and His blood being shed for the forgiveness of our sins. We partake together as a celebration of that victory as well as a remembrance of that sacrifice. We believe it is a time for all born-again believers to join together in memory of that event while proclaiming victory over sin in our lives.

Some people may not for physical or other reasons be able to join us during our service on Sunday morning. If you, a loved one, or a believer you know cannot join us, please contact our office. Our goal is to assist them in partaking in essence even while they are not physically present with our congregation.



Kent Christian Church encourages the heart, equips the person, and engages the culture in order to develop disciples who can lead in our culture.  Taking communion to remember what Christ did for us on the cross is done weekly. Email us if you cannot make it to service Sunday morning and would like communion. info@kentchristian.org

Mail: info@kentchristian.org?subject=From Kentchristian.org

Kent Christian Church

8082 West State Road 256

Madison, IN 47250



812-866-3313 baskcs2@gmail.com kentchristianindiana@gmail.com Mail: baskcs2@gmail.com?cc=kentchristianindiana@gmail.com&subject=From KentChristian.org Mail: baskcs2@gmail.com?cc=kentchristianindiana@gmail.com&subject=Email From KentChristian.org ENCOURAGE THE HEART EQUIP THE PERSON ENGAGE THE CULTURE Sunday Opportunities Coffee Fellowship……..…	8:30 AM Education………………..		8:45 AM Worship…………………..		10:00 AM Next Level Jr./Sr. High… 6:00 PM Evening Worship…………	6:30 PM